Q: May I forward the Eventbrite registration link to my students so they can register themselves?
A: Please do not give students the Eventbrite link. As the chaperone you need to keep track of the students who will be attending the summit. Giving out the link compromises your ability to manage students as you will not be sure of who has registered and who has not. We also do not want students to be sharing the link amongst themselves.
Q: I have a friend/colleague at another SFUSD school who would like to bring students. May I forward this email and information to them to register?
A: No. Please do not forward this email to anyone at any other school. Each school has nominated their own chaperone and is allotted a certain amount of seats for their students. Rather, please connect your friend/colleague directly to us and we will advise them on how to get involved.
Q: In the emailed invitation I received the same registration form as last year. Do I still need to fax or scan this to you?
A: No. This form was provided just for your use to collect the names and workshop preferences of your students. Please enter all information collected directly into the Eventbrite registration.
Q: A registered attendee or chaperone has changed their mind and no longer wants to attend the summit. What should I do?
A: You have two options: First, you can email us directly and we can delete the registered student or chaperone from our registration list. Or, if you have another student or chaperone who would like to take their place, you can edit your order through your confirmation email and swap out their names and workshop assignments.
Q: Do I need to print and bring the registration tickets with me?
A: No. Our registration process the morning of the Summit remains the same as previous years. You will only need to bring with you your students’ permission slips and media forms to check in the morning of the summit.
Q: Can I register some of my students during early registration and the rest before the ticket sales end?
A: Yes. Please register as many students as you can and all chaperones by our early registration deadline. You may add additional students during the next round of tickets.
Q: I accidentally registered a student twice. What should I do?
A: Email us directly and we will delete the duplicate registration.
Q: What is the benefit of registering my students during early registration?
A: As a chaperone, you will be entered into our raffle for registering your students during early registration. The benefit for the students is they have a better chance of getting their first choice workshops.
Q: The workshop my student selected is not available. What should I do?
A: If the workshop is no longer available in the registration form that means that it is completely full. You should select for your student another workshop you think they will like.