Innovators Prioritize Self-Care


High school is stressful! Especially during senior year when the pressure of midterms, finals, and college applications collide with other responsibilities like clubs, internships, jobs and family obligations. Our young women balance a lot on top of their weekly attendance at the Innovators program. We encourage the young women in our programs to advocate for themselves and their health, especially when they are stressed. This year, the Innovators requested a yoga workshop. Many of them had never experienced yoga before, others were nervous from negative past experiences, but all embraced the practice with an open mind and open heart. Read their quotes and see photos of their practice below: 

Emma: "Big body, big personality, no problem. Yoga has allowed me to appreciate my body and my mind. By allowing my mind to calm down and allowing my flexibility to take over, I am able to fully love myself through friendship and self care."

Erica: "Yoga, especially with some peaceful music in the background, is one of my favorite ways to de-stress and relax. With attention on my breath and flow, my mind and body feel more connected than ever. After a complete yoga series, I don’t feel out of breath like I usually do after running; rather, I feel stronger, mentally and physically."

Nikka: "When I learned that we were doing yoga, I was scared because the last time I went to yoga, I passed out. My mom brought me hot yoga and I was a beginner *note: don’t do that*. However, when the Innovators and I began to try our poses, I realized that yoga does not suck. Yoga is fun when you are surrounded by your friends and people you trust. I was able to be myself, make cool poses and take care of my body. I recommend everyone to try yoga *note: not by yourself* and have a good time."

Stella: "This was my first time ever doing yoga and I had a really amazing experience. It felt very relaxing and It made me want to do more yoga."