Great Expectations Pregnancy & Postpartum Program
The Women's Health Resource Center, Great Expectations Pregnancy Program offers a variety of classes to help expecting parents and their partners learn more about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and parenting. Explore what we have to...
Sister Support Space
Congresswoman Speier visits the YSC
Co-founder of the Young Women's Health and Leadership Summit, Congresswoman Jackie Speier visits the National Center of Excellence in Women's Health to meet with the Youth Steering Committee ahead of the 2015-2016 Young Women's Health and...
Sister Support Space
Take the #SisterSupport Pledge!
Youth Steering Committee members set an example for their peers by taking the Powerful as One, Stronger Together pledge ahead of the 2015-2016 Summit.
Sister Support Space
Innovators Prioritize Self-Care
High school is stressful! Especially during senior year when the pressure of midterms, finals, and college applications collide with other responsibilities like clubs, internships, jobs and family obligations. Our young women balance a lot...
Sister Support Space
2016 Summit Video: You Are Not Alone
During the 2015-2016 school year we joined forces with our partners at Bayview Center for Arts and Technology (BAYCAT) to produce a video that captures the pervasive female experience of sexual assault and violence against women. In this...
SPOTLIGHT on a Research Study
PRIORITY (Pregnancy CoRonavIrus Outcomes RegIsTrY) A nationwide study of pregnant or recently pregnant people who are either under investigation for Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) or have been confirmed to have COVID-19. This study is...