"Egg Freezing: Is it right for me?"

UCSF Women's Health Resource Center presents this "Women's Health Matters" Webinar Series

In 2012, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Practice Committee removed the experimental label for egg freezing. Fast forward almost ten years and conversations about egg freezing feel more commonplace. But what does the process entail and who should consider it? What should you think about ahead of time? Join two of our experts from the Center for Reproductive Health as we discuss the ins and outs of egg freezing.
Recorded Monday, April 19, 2021


Panelists: Dr. Eleni Greenwood Jaswa, MD, MSc, Assistant Professor of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility and Dr. Lauri Pasch, PhD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Moderator: Dr. Nazaneen Homaifar, MD, MBA, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Estimating Success

UCSF Center for Reproductive Health

Mission Bay 499 Illinois Street
6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94158 (415) 353-7475

Mount Zion 2356 Sutter Street
7th Floor (Women's Health Building) San Francisco, CA 94115 (415) 353-7475
