Zooming through Pregnancy to Parenthood
The UCSF Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences has organized a series of webinars to meet the needs of our patients. Certified Nurse Midwives at UCSF are leading the “Zooming through Pregnancy to Parenthood” webinar series to focus on prenatal topics commonly covered in the Centering model or pregnancy care.
1 hour session recordings that cover prenatal education.
Third Trimester Patients: Live webinar with Q&A
An engaging presentation from the UCSF Outpatient Obstetrics Department and Inpatient Birth Center
THIRD Friday of every other month | Next Webinar | March 21, 2025 | 12noon-1:30pm
Q&A and previous recordings below
Topics will include:
- What to expect when going to the Birth Center
- How to be prepared for birth
- What to expect immediately after delivery
- What to expect Postpartum: Common discomforts post baby (and treatments), baby blues and PPD, breastfeeding, and what to expect at your postpartum visit
Recorded January 17, 2025
Past Third Trimester recordings
November 15, 2024
September 20, 2024
For more details email: [email protected] or call (415) 514-2670.
Preconception/1st Trimester
Orientation to UCSF Prenatal Care: A conversation with UCSF Obstetric Providers
This orientation webinar is designed for patients starting their prenatal care at UCSF. Our goals are to familiarize you with the landscape of prenatal care at UCSF and to help you navigate our system with increased understanding and satisfaction. We share what you can expect during your prenatal care at UCSF.
Discussion topics:
- Your options for prenatal care at UCSF (Individual meetings vs Centering, choosing your provider type, locations, etc)
- What to expect from your prenatal visits
- Who you may meet during your pregnancy Information on our Birth Center
- Where to access patient resources and education
Panelist(s): Kate Frometa, CNM (Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology) and Nazaneen Homaifar, MD, MBA (Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Select link for the 3/22/21 recording.
Early Pregnancy Loss (Miscarriage): Causes, Management and Next Steps
Between 10% to 30% of all pregnancies will end in miscarriage, although we rarely talk about it. This webinar explores causes of miscarriage, ways to manage it, and how to move forward after a miscarriage.
Panelist(s): Dr. Karen Meckstroth (OB/GYN and Director of the Women’s Options Clinic), Dr. Heather Huddleston (Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility Specialist and Director of PCOS Clinic), Melissa Whippo, LCSW
Moderator: Laura Weil, CNM, MPH
Select link for the 8/18/20 recording.
Nutrition and Immunity in pregnancy
During pregnancy, healthy nutrition is more important than ever. In this group session, we address the food choices that will directly affect your baby’s growth, development and the way you feel. We will also discuss supplements and foods that can improve immunity at this critical time. A holistic nutritionist www.endeavorfitwell.com/ joins us for this discussion and offers some strategies for forming healthy habits that will hopefully last a lifetime.
Moderator: Sasha Yamnik, CNM, MS
Select link for the 4/14/20 recording.
Common discomforts in pregnancy
With all the hormonal and physiologic changes that occur throughout the pregnancy, many people will experience various discomforts as the body gets ready for the birth. In this session, you will learn what is in the realm of normal and how to ease the common discomforts that may arise.
Moderators: Sasha Yamnik, CNM, MS and Talia Borgo, CNM, WHNP
View the FAQ's and select link for the 4/15/20 recording.
Stress reduction and sleep in pregnancy: Coping Mechanisms
Pregnancy and the early months of parenting often come with elevated feelings of stress, and yet we know through research that keeping stress levels down during pregnancy can positively impact birth outcomes. In this session, we will discuss various strategies for stress reduction with a special attention on ways of improving sleep.
Panelist(s): Keri Brooks at www.endeavorfitwell.com/ (Holistic Nutritionist) and Allegra Lucas, LMFT at www.allegralucastherapy.com/
Moderator: Sasha Yamnik, CNM
Select link for the 4/21/20 recording.
Toxins in pregnancy: What can you do, what do we know?
We've all read about toxins in the environment. Which ones should we be most aware of and what affects may they have in pregnancy? In this webinar, we will hear one of our expert perinatologists, Dr. Marya Zlatnik, delve into this complex topic to share what we know and how we can minimize these exposures for optimal health of the baby.
Panelist(s): Dr. Marya Zlatnik (Maternal Fetal Medicine)
Moderator: Laura Weil, CNM, MPH
Select link for the 5/13/20 recording.
What to expect during a visit to the Obstetrics Emergency Department (or Labor and Delivery Triage)
During your pregnancy, you may experience symptoms for which we recommend an evaluation in our Obstetrics Emergency Department (OB ED). What are different conditions that may bring to our OB ED? What can you expect from your visit and how long it will take? Who will evaluate you? Join our webinar to learn more about our OB ED and who you may meet along the way.
Panelist(s): Karen Spuller (NP at UCSF Birth Center), Dr. Chiari Corbetta-Rastelli (UCSF OBGYN Resident)
Moderator: Sasha Yamnik, CNM, MS
Select link for the 10/5/20 recording.
Second Trimester
Baby Friendly at UCSF: What are the benefits of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding can be one of the best bonding experiences between a mother and baby, yet it can come with many challenges. In this session, you hear from a few experts in the field of lactation on what you can do to prepare for breast-feeding success right now and how UCSF supports breast-feeding in-and-outside of the hospital. The panelist also share techniques for reaching your breast-feeding goals while in the hospital and once you take your baby home.
Panelist(s): Carol Thomason, CNM, IBCLC (Co-lead of Baby-Friendly Initiative), Sarah Quigley, IBCLC, MA (Health Educator)
Moderator: Vanessa Tilp, CNM
Select link for the 4/29/20 recording.
Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension and Diabetes
Two of the most common medical complications that can arise in pregnancy- (1) hypertensive disorders including preeclampsia and (2) gestational diabetes, are discussed. We review risk factors, how we make the diagnosis, management in pregnancy, and things that you can do to decrease your personal risk for both, along with helpful insights into how we at UCSF will support you should either of these conditions arise in your pregnancy.
Panelist(s): Dr. Martha Tesfalul (Maternal Fetal Medicine fellow)
Moderator: Kate Frometa, CNM
Select link for the 8/4/20 recording.
Navigating Disability and Leave in Pregnancy
In this panel, we will talk to guest staff attorneys from the non-profit Legal Aid at Work to better understand the rights of pregnant people, new parents, and caregivers to time off work, paid leave, and workplace accommodations. Submit questions ahead of time and come prepared to learn about navigating disability in California. View and download the COVID-19-My-job pdf on the Legal Aid at Work site.
Panelist(s): Katherine Wutchiett, Staff Attorney at Legal Aid at Work
Moderator: Kate Frometa, CNM
Select link for the 6/18/20 recording.
The Birth Partner: A panel discussion for partners on pregnancy, labor and postpartum support
It can be hard to know how to help your pregnant partner during pregnancy, labor and postpartum. Now, more then ever, birth partners are tasked with being your primary, and sometimes only, support person. This panel is meant for partners (family or friends) looking for ways to help support your pregnant person. We will talk about what works and what doesn't and how to keep you both connected to each other and your baby during these exciting but challenging times.
Panelist(s): Serena Saeed Winn, CNM and founder of MOMumental and birth partners
Moderator: Becca Hess Amirault, WHNP, CNM
Select link for the 6/2/20 recording.
Benefits of Physical Therapy in pregnancy and postpartum
If you're struggling from urinary incontinence after birth, working on healing diastasis recti or want to know more about the benefits of perineal massage prior to delivery, we're here to talk to you about the benefits of physical therapy. Joining for this discussion on getting your body prepared and the therapeutic healing after birth, is Elizabeth Miracle from Miracle Physical Therapy www.miraclept.com/ and future clinical director of Origin Physical Therapy. This webinar also includes an offering of therapeutic Yoga exercises led by a prenatal and postpartum yoga specialist Vaza at www.vazayoga.com.
Panelist(s): Elizabeth Miracle from Miracle Physical Therapy
Moderator: Sasha Yamnik, CNM, MS
Select link for the 6/23/20 recording.
Meet the Midwives
Meet the UCSF Midwives: If you are planning a delivery at UCSF, chances are you will meet one of our certified nurse midwives (CNM) during the labor process. This webinar showcases the midwives who will help guide you through most of the birthing process, supervise the residents in labor and likely be a part of your delivery. This is a great opportunity to meet the midwives, learn about their roles and hear about midwife friendly practices.
Panelist(s): Vanessa Tilp, Sherri Foote, Kate Frometa, Becca Amirault, Laura Weil, Sasha Yamnik, Talia Borgo (absent: Melinda Fowler)
Select link for the 7/7/20 recording.
Third Trimester
Stages of Labor: What is labor? What can I expect? What can I do at home?
New! What is labor and how many stages are there? What do those stages look like and how do I know if it's safe to try and labor at home? What can I do to try and maximize the time I labor at home? In this session, we'll review labor and techniques you may use to help labor outside and inside the hospital.
Panelist(s): Alicia Pollak RN and Shakkaura Kemet MD
Moderator: Becca Hess Amirault, WHNP, CNM
Select link for the 4/20/22 recording.
How to prepare a birth plan
Birth plans are a helpful way to express your preferences and desires for your birth and immediate postpartum period. This session will help you craft a birth plan, as well as answer questions about frequently requested birth plan items. We will also review recommended changes due to the pandemic as well as suggestions and ideas on how to use creative methods to benefit your birth experience and what might happen if things don’t go according to plan.
Panelist(s): Dr. Carolyn Phillips (UCSF OBGYN Resident)
Moderator: Becca Hess Amirault, WHNP, CNM
Select link for the 5/19/20 recording.
Induction of Labor: What to Expect
We routinely recommend that individuals who have passed their due date (41 weeks) or have certain conditions (like gestational diabetes or chronic hypertension) have their labor induced. In this session, we'll discuss what an induction of labor may look like and certain scenarios where you might start your induction at home.
Panelist(s): Robyn Lamar, MD and Alfreda Kessellie, RN
Moderator: Sasha Yamnik CNM
Select link for the 12/15/21 recording.
Outpatient Cervical Ripening
For more information on mechanical ripening of the cervix with a foley balloon, please watch this brief video.
Elective Inductions: What are they, what is the evidence, and is it right for you?
What is an elective induction and how can you decide if its right for you? Have you heard people talk about "The ARRIVE trial?" This webinar will discuss the 2018 landmark study titled "Labor induction versus Expectant Management in Low Risk Nulliparous Women", otherwise known as the ARRIVE trial. We will review the evidence with one of our perinatologists, Dr. Melissa Rosenstein, discuss pros and cons, and help you decide if an elective induction is right for you.
Panelist(s): Dr. Melissa Rosenstein (Maternal Fetal Medicine)
Moderator: Becca Hess Amirault, WHNP, CNM
Select link for the 7/23/20 recording.
Cesarean sections at UCSF: Indications, risks, and expectations for how to prepare
About 21% of first time moms at UCSF will need a C-section for their delivery at UCSF. What can happen before and during labor to necessitate a C-section? What are the risks of a C-section and what should you know about the experience before going through it?
Panelist(s): Dr. Diana Robles (Maternal Fetal Medicine fellow), Dr. Margaret Carrasco Arias (UCSF OBGYN Resident)
Moderator: Sheri Foote, CNM
Select link for the 7/28/20 recording.
The immediate postpartum period: What to expect in the hospital and the first few days at home
In this webinar, we discuss the immediate postpartum period with the nurses and discharge providers that will help you with this process. We will talk about what recovery and healing looks like in the first few days, the milestones we will be monitoring to ensure a safe discharge, and the resources we can provide you in the hospital. We also discuss outpatient resources for your transition home.
Panelist(s): Carol Thomason CNM, IBCLC (Co-lead of Baby-Friendly Initiative), Ingrid Maccarthy (CNM, NP), Mei-Lani Bixby (RN on Labor and Delivery)
Moderator: Talia Borgo, CNM, WHNP
Select the link for the 7/2/20 recording.
Bringing baby home: baby safety and care
Bringing your baby home for the first time is a long anticipated moment for parents, who often feel both excited and nervous at the same time. In this session, we have invited pediatricians to discuss important safety recommendations and advice to care for your newborn in their first weeks of life.
Panelist(s): Dr. Faustine Ramirez and Dr. Jane Anderson, MD (pediatrics)
Moderator: Kate Frometa, CNM
Select link for the 5/20/20 recording.
Sex, libido and contraception after delivery
An honest discussion on libido and sex during pregnancy and the postpartum period. One of our UCSF experts on sexual health, Dr. Tami Rowen, will join this webinar to give insight on this often overlooked but vital health topic. Additionally, we will explore options for hormonal and non-hormonal contraception, with specialized information for the breastfeeding period.
Panelist(s): Dr. Tami Rowen MD, MS
Moderator: Kate Frometa, CNM
Select link for the 5/6/20 recording.